"Mais tu ne verras rien de cette onde première
Qui naguère coulait ; l'eau change tous les jours,
Tous les jours elle passe, et la nommons toujours
Même fleuve, et même eau, d'une même manière.
Ainsi l'homme varie, et ne sera demain
Telle comme aujourd'hui du pauvre corps humain"

Chassignet Jean-Baptiste

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


To my mother...

So here it goes,
You and then me,
Them and the us.

We'll all go one day,
To some place far away,
A place no one knows,

But i want you to see
And look far in front of you:
The sea is waving,
The sky is grey,
The wind is blowing,
And the trees are shaking...
What does it mean?

Don't go,
Don't go we will play,
I will pray everyday,
For the birds to stay.

They are sailing,
They leave the harbor,
But those i know will return,

I just hope you'll come back,
To see me.

Don't go,
Don't go we will play,
I will pray everyday,
For the birds to stay.

I can't stop the future,
From going by, but i am sure,
I can control it,
How will it go?
Will it go straight,
Will it turn, just like you?
Dreaming will help,
Controling my dreams too,

But i can't help,
Thinking of you, of
The birds, the seas...

The sand flies,
And piles up in front
Of my eyes, I shall
Now stop dreaming,
It is time to wake up.

Don't go,
Don't go we will play,
I will pray everyday,
For the birds to stay.