"Mais tu ne verras rien de cette onde première
Qui naguère coulait ; l'eau change tous les jours,
Tous les jours elle passe, et la nommons toujours
Même fleuve, et même eau, d'une même manière.
Ainsi l'homme varie, et ne sera demain
Telle comme aujourd'hui du pauvre corps humain"

Chassignet Jean-Baptiste

Thursday, April 7, 2011


they say ignorance is bliss
yet they do not know they are ignorant
what happens then to those who ignore
to those who think they know but know nothing actually

they say ignorance is bliss
but you do know
you know
you know that what you are doing is wrong
and yet you continue

they say ignorance is bliss
but apparently you have not been blessed yet
i don't know where the blessing comes from
but i sure do hope you either learn or be blessed

they say ignorance is bliss
yet they have not spoken a word yet
they did not continue their sentence
they did not say that pretending is wrong

they say ignorance is bliss
but who are they to say

I say ignorance is not bliss, because at least if you knew, you would have reacted.